Innovative and Essential Baby & Toddler Products
A great selection of easy to use, high quality, well designed and innovative baby and toddler products:
Baby Floatseat
Made by Kooshies in two sizes, 3 - 12 months and 10 - 18 months. Perfect aid to those first times in the pool with your baby. Allows your baby to sit within an inflatable ring - they are prevented from slipping all the way through by a pant style seat. This means that they do not cling to you for dear life every time you go to the pool, but feel relaxed, happy and confident as the water will only come up to chest height and they can splash to their heart's content. It also means that you can keep them safely next to you with just one hand. Never leave your child unattended in the water.
Bath Support Sponge
An ingenious but simple design of a tapered baby shaped sponge. It allows a newborn to be bathed in an ordinary bath without fear of accident. The sponge allows the baby's bottom to be immersed in water, while their head stays out. They can lie on the sponge and wriggle giving you two hands to tickle them! Also saves the aggravation of trying to lift a baby bath full of water!
Bobux Leather shoes
Available in a huge array of colours, these leather shoes that "actually stay on!" They are available in sizes from birth to 2 years, are made from natural leather and so allow your baby's feet to move and breathe. The unique slip on design and elasticated ankle prevent curious babies from pulling them off. A hard wearing alternative to slippers once the child can walk, and an ideal first shoe as they are almost weightless and do not impede the child's natural movement.
Sleeping Bags
Grobag produce the most extensive range of sleeping bags that are catching on well in this country. Of course they have been the main item of bedding in Europe for years. They are available in different tog values and sizes. All grobags come with a room thermometer that tells you exactly what your child should be wearing at that temperature. They are an essential for several different reasons. Firstly, when feeding your baby during the night, they stay snug and warm throughout and can be laid straight back down without fuss. Secondly, they stop covers being kicked off and you being woken at 3am by a blue toddler! They also give the child an invaluable routine. When the grobag goes on, its time for bed. They are excellent for travelling as you need only take your grobag and not half a ton of duvets and sheets.
These are made from 100% sheepskin! They are a natural product but fully sanitized for use with small babies. Their uses are endless, they can be used as a pram liner to give a soft comfortable ride. They can be used as a play mat, in the cot on the floor of the bedroom and what's more they are completely machine washable. Because they are a natural fibre, they are warm in winter and cool in summer and particularly good for children with eczema whose conditions are aggravated by heat. And they look fantastic too.
These are a fantastic new product designed to give children in pushchairs protection from the sun. Whereas conventional parasols and canopies only offer shade and a child can still be badly burned by the sun, this product gives up to 90% protection from UV rays. Also protects them from insects and wind. They fit almost all prams with hoods, including 3 wheelers.
Reclinable Booster Seat By First Years
This has to be one of the most versatile feeding aids available. It is suitable from birth, although most parents will find it comes into its own from about 4 months. It is designed to strap onto any ordinary dining chair, but reclines to give a younger child support and comfort. It can be used until the child is approximately 4 years old and is an ideal product to keep for travelling, or home use or keep one at Grannies house for those unexpected visits.
Car Bottle and Food warmer by Babytec
This is an essential for days out and holidays. The device plugs into the car cigarette lighter aperture and then heats bottles or jars.
Polyotter Swimmer
These clever inventions have been endorsed by the Amateur Swimming Association. They consist of a high quality swimming costume for boy and girls with compartments to add buoyant foam floats. As the child gains confidence in the water, and learns to swim, floats can be removed individually giving the child confidence to swim. Even more useful in the Summer months are the Sun Protection Floatsuits at £29.99 with short arms and legs and give 50+ uv Sun Protection.
Bednest Bedside Crib
The Bednest attaches to virtually any bed enabling you to sleep alongside your baby with him or her in easy reach which is perfect for night feeds as you do not need to get out of bed. It also makes it much easier and quicker to comfort your crying baby during the night. The bednest is particularly ideal if you have had a caesarean or have difficulty moving.
Flexibath is a baby bath that is suitable for children up to 4 years old and can be folded up when not in use, saving space in your bathroom. Comes in six different colours.
Magic Blackout Blind
Magic Blackout Blind is a temporary window covering to darken any room. It sticks to the window using static and leaves no marks on the glass. It's great for nurseries and for taking on holiday.
Cot Top Changer
A very cheap alternative to a changing station, this is a colourful vinyl mat available in a range of designs. Unlike ordinary mats it has a solid base and with two feet which allow it to be fitted over a cot to give a perfect height platform on which to change your baby. They can also be used on the floor and save you lots of wear and tear on knees and backs.
Shaped Maternity Pillow
A must for all pregnant women ( and for the rest of us who aren't) These high quality pillows are made of tiny beads of a material called Theralite which moulds to the shape of your body, covered with a cotton removable cover. They are wonderful for supporting your bump when trying to sleep. Can be worn around the body to give support when breast feeding or bottle feeding, and then later used to prop up your baby when they are learning to sit. Useful too when you want to get comfy on the settee!