Special Thanks to The Children's Fire and Burn Trust for supplying the following information:
Children's Fire and Burns Trust
Regsitered Office: Cayzer House, 30 Buckingham Gate, London SW1 6NN
Email: cfbt@cfbt.demon.co.uk
Web: www.childrensfireandburntrust.org.uk
Fax: (020) 7251 5020
Registered Charity No: 1082084, Registered Co. 4007007
The co-ordination of education for children in fire and burn safety prevention.
The long term rehabilitation for children suffering from burns.
Educate by way of an integrated Fire Safety and Burn Prevention Programme for schools and those responsible for young children.
Alleviate Psychological and physical trauma by working with and facilitating the expansion of clubs and summer camps for children and other similar activities; support for families, and encouraging other outreach programmes.
Activate Public awareness, in association with British Burn Association, of the severe problem of scalding, a major contribution to child burns.
Awareness by others of the difficulties of those already suffering from the results of burns.
The Facts
Every 1½ minutes someone in teh UK is burnt or scalded in an accident.
Ten children aged under five are admitted to hospital every day as a result of a severe burn or scald.
House fires are the biggest single cause of accidental death to children in the home.
Approximately 41,000 children under the age of 15 are burnt or scalded each year.
In Case of Burns
Submerge burned area in cool running water for 20 minutes (minimum 10).
Do NOT pull off clothing or material sticking to burned area.
Cover burned area with clean non-fluff material - cling film is excellent.
Contact Doctor or Hospital Immediately.
Install smoke alarms on each floor level and test regularly.
Make and practice Fire Escape Plan with whole family.
Run COLD water first in bath or sink before adding hot water - TEST temperature.
Turn down water thermostat to 50, and/or install tempering valves in all hot water outlets.
Keep saucepans at back of stove NOT toward or near front - turn handles to back.
Keep electric kettles, irons & wires out of reach.
Keep secure fire guard screens in front of open fires heaters & radiators.
Store matches and lighters out of reach.
Store chemicals, cleaners and acids out of reach.
Do Not
Drink hot drinks while nursing a baby or child.
Put baby or child into bath or sink until testing the water.
Warm baby bottles in microwave.
Use baby walkers - children move too quickly without control.
Allow children near barbecues or garden chemicals.
Allow children near fireworks.
Leave children unattended in the kitchen or near fires and heaters.
Leave children exposed to sun.