Home Safety

Home and Personal Safety.
There are about 2.8 million home accidents each year where the victim visits an Accident and Emergency department for treatment. In addition, there are a similar number of cases where the victim is treated by a GP as well as millions of minor cases which are treated at home.
Every year there are almost 4,000 deaths in the UK due to home accidents – more than on the roads.
More than a third of all accidents to adults or children take place in the home. Each year almost a million children under the age of 15 seek hospital attention following a home accident.
A significant reduction in home accidents will not only alleviate unnecessary pain and suffering but will also have a major impact on the loading of Hospital Accident and Emergency Units, Social Services, Fire Brigades etc, thus releasing resources for other work.
There’s not a mother on the planet that has not got a horror story about their baby falling off a bed, down the stairs, into a coffee table or leaning out of an open window.
Most accidents happen to children under 4 years old, that does not mean you won’t want to take steps to ensure older children are kept safe and secure at all times. It only takes 1 incident and you could regret not paying a few pounds for some simple products for ever. Whether it be a house smoke alarm or a personal safety alarm, it’s all just as important when the time comes for it to be used.
Here are our “Top Ten Tips” to keep your family safe all year round.
2. Keep windows closed unless required and fit child securistay locks to allow opening but prevent children falling out. Safe-t-bar type also stop intruders from gaining entry but still gives ventilation.
3. Keep matches, lighters, bleaches and medicines in high cupboards. Move glass and heavy items such as pot plants so they are out of reach as they can all be toppled including televisions not on sturdy stands.
4. Use furniture guards and locks such as corner covers, bath slip mats, stair gates and appliance locks, especially as you won’t always be in the same room.
5. Never leave your child unattended on a high surface such as a changing table, they will start to roll one day. A baby bouncer on top of a table may topple over the edge because of the rocking movement even if at first it seems fine.
6. Plan a fire escape route with your family. Practice the escape plan making sure that everyone is involved, from kids to grandparents. Consider a fire escape ladder to exit an upstairs room and ensure keys for locks are always to hand.
7. Fit electrical covers to plug sockets and VCR’s not just in your home but those of grandparents or carers.
8. Always use fire guards and teach your child from a very early age, even before they can walk or talk that the fire is hot and hot is danger!
9. When buying toys, check that there are no small parts that can be pulled off and swallowed. Use a toy shelf or hammock to tidy toys away that may not be suitable for your child’s age at present.
10. Lastly watching your child to see what it is that they make a beeline for and remove any possible household hazards associated, like loose ribbons, sharp points and finger traps wherever possible.
For further information, advice or products please visit the links below: