Home and Personal Security
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Home and Personal Security.
Make it difficult for the Burglar
- Most burglaries are carried out by opportunist thieves.
- In 2 out of 10 burglaries, they don’t even have to use force.
- A third of burglars get in through a rear window.
- Two thirds of burglars enter through a door.
- Look at your home security through the eyes of a burglar pretending you need to break in as you have lost your keys or your child trapped.
Visible locks will deter some thieves as it means they have to break the glass and risk attracting attention. You can help keep out thieves by:
- Fitting key operated window locks to all downstairs windows and easily accessible upstairs windows, such as those above a flat roof or a drainpipe
- Gluing in slats in louvre windows so that they cannot be removed easily
- If you are replacing windows consider laminated glass but remember you can not smash laminated glass for exit if there is a fire so arrange another means of escape for your family. Ensure they all know what to do in the event of a fire.
- Mark expensive electronic equipment, with your postcode by engraving or using a UV pen. Consider insuring valuable property, or taking photographs as this will help in identifying anything that is stolen.
If your doors are not secure then neither is your home. Secure your doors by:
- Fitting a good lock to all your doors
- Patio doors should have special locks fitted to the top and bottom
- Glass panels on doors are particularly vulnerable and should be replaced with laminated glass or alarmed with glass guard.
- Make sure doors and frames are in a good and strong condition
- If you are have PVC or metal framed doors/windows, make sure they have good locks and a fitted chain.
- If you don’t have a clear window in the door, fit a door viewer.
- Fit a door bar or chain. Use them every time someone calls. Bogus callers are a real problem across the UK. Posing as officials from the council, service companies and health authority, or as salespeople, repair people and so on, they trick their way into people’s homes, usually with the intent to steal.
Unfortunately, those at greatest risk from a bogus caller are the most vulnerable in our communities, such as the very elderly and those who live on their own. That is what makes bogus caller crime such a despicable offence. You can help prevent bogus callers from operating in your area by looking out for potential victims and helping to protect them. You could set up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. You can also make sure that vulnerable residents have a door chain fitted and that they check on the identity of any callers they do not know. Also let them know that they can ask you for help if they are unsure who is at the door.
Driveway, Garage and Garden:
- Lock tools away in a garage or shed as a burglar will use these to gain entry to your home or vehicle. Use quality padlocks and hasps.
- It’s easy to fit a battery operated shed and garage alarm as a minimum.
- A driveway security post is a good tool against car, trailer and caravan theft.
- keep keys in a safe place, even in the house. A safe or safe can is an inexpensive option.
- PIR lighting both front and back is an inexpensive way to deter thieves.
- CCTV can be easily DIY installed and will deter thieves and bogus callers.
- Prikkastrips attached to walls, fences or drainpipes stops intruders and cats.
Out and about:
If you are often out and about on your own or in the dark then there are lots of simple precautions you can take to keep yourself safe:
- Carry a personal attack alarm. It is a good idea to carry the alarm in your hand so you can use it immediately to scare off an attacker.
- If you are carrying a bag, keep it close to you with clasps and zips inwards
- Keep house keys in your pocket so that if your bag is stolen, a thief won’t have your house keys and your address
- If you think someone may be following you, check by crossing the street once or twice to see if they follow you. If it seems that they are, or you are still worried then go to the nearest place with people, such as a pub or shop and call the police. Avoid using a phone box in the street as an attacker may try and trap you inside.
- If you follow the same route regularly then it is a good idea to change your route from time to time
- Always stick to well lit areas, don't take shortcuts through dark alleys
- In parks or commons keep to the main paths and open spaces - avoid wooded areas
- If you are wearing a personal stereo remember that you cannot hear traffic or somebody approaching behind you
- Walk facing the traffic so a car can't pull up behind you
- Don't hitch hike or take lifts from strangers
- Cover up expensive looking jewellery and keep mobile phones and wallets/purses hidden away
- At cash machines don't let anyone see your personal identity number
Mobile Phones:
Mobile phone theft is on the increase and thousands of phones are stolen by street robbers and opportunists every month. To prevent being a victim of mobile phone theft you should:
- Try not to use your phone in crowded areas where someone could easily snatch it from you
- Avoid keeping your phone in public view In case your phone is stolen you should keep a safe record of the following details - these will help to trace your phone and make it more difficult for thieves to use it and sell it on:
- Always use your phone's security pin code
- mark the battery and phone with your postcode using a UV pen
- Register your phone with your network operator - they will then be able to block your phone's SIM card if it is stolen. Make a note of the serial number of your handset- you can get this by typing *#06# into your phone. This number is unique to your handset.
- Register it free using the link below and if your phone is stolen it and the sim can be immediately blocked from unauthorised use.
For more information, advice and products for home and personal safety and security please visit:
To find out more about joining or starting a Neighbourhood Watch visit: